


Musicyo Reissue Serials

!984 Reissues up until mid 2004 - 200000 - 200500 or less
At Mid 2004 - All Reissue models within 2004 - 040001
Jersey Stars with serials on the neckplate begin with 040050, first Jersey Star produced is 040000 with serial stamped on back of headstock.
2005 - All reissue models - 050001

Stagemasters and other neck-thru Kramers were "sometimes" serial marked on the headstock since they had no neckplate.

Overseas Serials

Ferringtons had two letters plus 4 digits...The first letter was an "F" and the second denotes year

FA - late '85 - late '86
FB - '87 - '88
FC - '89 - '90

Early Strikers feature a neckplate with no serial on it, sometimes they had stickered serial numbers on the plate.

Some "A" and "B" plates have been spotted on overseas guitars. Usually, they sport a first letter, then have another letter prefixing the number. ex: A A1234

Cast overseas plates are smaller in width compared to American Series cast plates.

Strikers sometimes had serials that prefixed with "S" or "SB"

Numbered plates that are chrome with the banana logo are overseas plates

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    台南 -可樂樂器

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